How to…make hair bows


I was going out the other night, and surprisingly I ran out of imagination when I got to the hair part…luckily i found this, which Im gonna share with you:

Hair bows are all the rage, appearing on everyone from “Gossip Girls” to flower girls. It’s a super easy way to add a touch of femininity to your style–and best of all, they’re cheap to make.

    • Ribbon
    • Hair band (optional)
    • Headband (optional)
    • Barrette (optional)
    • Glue (optional)
  2. Things You’ll Need:

    Pony Bow

  3. Place the gathered hair in the center of the ribbon and tie a single knot to secure it.
  4. Make two loops, cross one loop over the other, and pull the loop on top through the hole you’ve created.
  5. Straighten out the ends and tighten so the two loops are on top and the two tails on bottom.

    Headband Bow

  6. Run the ribbon along the hairline, drawing the ends up on top of your head.
  7. Secure a knot and tie a bow following the method for a pony bow.
  8. Tweak the loops out a bit to shorten the tails and create a wider bow for a headband.
  9. Slide the bow slightly to the side so it’s off center.

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